Different Concepts of Molecular Structure
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NOTICE: This material is copyrighted and all right are reserved. (c) 1998, 1999 J. E. Wampler
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Table of Contents

Different Concepts of Molecular Structure

Quantum Mechanical Model

There are some obvious differences...

Compared to the Quantum Mechanical Model...

In spite of these things...

Simplest structure representation describes...

Note: Just knowing where the atoms are may not be enough

Explicit connectivity, can clearify which atoms go together

The absolute positions of the atoms depend on the orientation and position of x,y,z =0,0,0

Indeed, we only need the relative position of each atom to the others.

Bond length, r, and the bond vector, R.

The angle between three atoms (1,2 & 3):

Torsion angle

The cross product...

Such measurements give internal coordinates

The concept of Atom Types

The concept of atom types...

Atom typing is used to ...

Some examples of atom typing...

Some examples of atom typing...

Thus, for a computational program to use PDB structures...

Author: John E. Wampler

References Mentioned on Slides:

MM3 -Molecular mechanics references

AMBER - AMBER molecular Modeling program references

T. E. Creighton (1993), Proteins, Structure and Molecular Properties, W. H. Freeman & Company, New York.

W. Saenger,(1984) Principles of Nucleic Acid Structure, Springer-Verlag, NY.

RASMOL program home page

PDB Home Page